I am not a roller coaster person. Never have been, even as a kid. I remember going on Space Mountain during my last trip to Disney World 30 years ago, and screaming in terror the whole time. And not in a good way.... Mr. CM, on the other hand, used to love roller coasters. ("Used to" being the operative phrase here, but that's another story...) He remembers hopping off amusement park roller coasters, only to run around and get in line again for another trip...
Turns out, two out of three of our children happen to enjoy the "thrill" of lurching along the coaster track, hurtling skyward and then plummeting, twisting left, right and upside down in a dizzying sequence. Can you find Prince Firstly and his littlest sister on the Incredible Hulk Coaster?
No. A hint please?
Great photo! - 2nd row on the left?
I tried to get this same shot every time Sam went around. I think he rode this thing six times in a row and I couldn't get it. You are a pro.
Wow! What a great shot! Made me feel sick just looking at it. I'm not a roller coaster person either.
Marie, you are right! They are in the second row, the first two on the left. She *just* makes the minimum height requirement!
Matt, the secret is a really fast shutter speed... and a willingness to shoot every coaster that goes by, without trying to figure out if your kid is on it. :) It wasn't until hours later, when I finally had a chance to examine the pictures on a bigger screen, that I knew I had them!
How did I guess which 2 kids you were talking about? How long was it until Mr. CM realized he past-tense liked roller coasters?
I'm with you and #2 Chris.
nice catch!
i used to stay away from them like the plague. turns out that I love them!
I scream like a little girl at a Bieber sighting, but I love them!
Won't catch me on this one! It is INSANE!! Last time we were at DAK we rode 'Everest' - NEVER again! :-)
Great shot!!
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