You would think, that after taking photographs every day for the last nine months, scaring up a decent shot of the kids would be easy. You might even assume that after nine months of daily shooting, even if I didn't have a nice photo of all three for the Christmas card, then it wouldn't be too hard to just make one. Right? Not so much.
Long story short, I'm considering combining three individual shots on the card, instead of one group shot... I like this one as a start.
hmmm..me thinks this is a good start
I have nothing with all four of mine (if it was just the 3 big kids, I'd do the crazy hat see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil). I need to get on the ball quick.
This is a beautiful start to your Christmas card. Good Luck!!
I agree with you too! Nice one. Have fun creating the cards.
Why is this so freakin' difficult ... ?!?!?
97 photos of the group of us ... and not a single one everyone could agree on for our Christmas card.
Serious picture for 2009 doesn't seem to be in the books. And my idea of us huddling 'neath a holiday blanket, sweating in the 85°F Fall California sunshine didn't go over too well. (I thought it was humorous!)
The search continues .....
Aww! thanks mom!
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