Sunday, April 12, 2009


This child is contemplating the mysteries of Easter, while enjoying brunch with the family. She has had a full day already, having awoken at 4:15am to hunt for eggs.


Ruprecht said...

4:15 am ... ?!?!?

*Rupe pulls out phone book, looks for local social services number*

Ms Mgt said...

She was not awoken, she did the awakening...

Ruprecht said...

Rupe wants The Management to know he was, of course, joshing with his above comment and has a point of reference in his own girls.

tips hat

P.S. Rupe so digs "The Management" and "Crap Management" and wishes he would have thunked that for his ownself .....

Ms Mgt said...

:) No worries. We're all about the joshing here at crapmgt.
Thanks, Rupe!

shawn thornton said...

This child understands the mysteries of Easter....