Well, we didn't win. And, to be completely honest, it was a teensy bit disappointing. But only for a moment. I am still amazed and overjoyed that my photo was a finalist, and incredibly gratified that it struck a chord with so many. What's more, I learned the most important lesson about winning contests: you have to enter. Plus, I earned a nice gift card to spend at B & H Photo! Overall, I gained way more than I lost on this one.
You are probably wondering how Wally took the news of his runner-up status. I dare say he's coping quite nicely, thankyouverymuch....
This is a nice follow-up to the picture in the contest. Both speak of pure love and attentive affection.
so much of life is showing up. Putting yourself out there. It's amazing. Still hard to do sometimes, but we live and we learn. well done on the gift card! make sure you throw wally the proverbial (or not so proverbial) bone too!
Wally does seem to be taking the news very well. Must be because he is (obviously) so very, very loved! (Great shot of your girls, too!) Besides, how would he deal with all the papparazzi if he indeed had won?? :-)
I'm sorry you didn't win (and I loved the photo, by the way), but money to burn at B&H is always good :-)
Wally leads a charmed life, that's for sure. :)
Miserere, thanks for stopping by -- catch you on the pdml!
Sure thing!
I think this picture is actually worthy of first place in itself. In a day or so I'll be putting up a post on family homes and I mentioned your blog in the post because I think it's so great. I hope that's ok, if not let me know and I'll take it out no prob. Great job on the pictures!
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