Saturday, February 6, 2010

Circling the Drain

A few days ago, this ladybug appeared in our bathroom.
Hoping it was a good omen, I have allowed her to hang out in there, undisturbed. (It just wouldn't be right to squish a harbinger of spring.) But she's not making very good choices about where to spend her time...


Anonymous said...

I consider ladybugs to be a sign of luck. :)

Stephanie said...

It is a sign of good luck!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Amazing capture! Congratulations!

Milkayphoto said...

Excellent perspective! I love ladybugs! I chased one down while on vacation but s/he was too quick for me!

PG said...

that is a great shot, great perspective indeed.

oh, and i found her friend yesterday.