It's probably painfully obvious that I didn't spend a lot of time creating photographs yesterday.... Of the few that I had, this was at least amusing. Or curious. Or maybe just odd.
It reminds me of those create-a-caption contests you see in the paper sometimes, where readers are invited to submit the caption to a wordless cartoon image.
So how 'bout it?
I'm so busy doing my fall cleaning, and packing things up, I haven't had a minute to get my hair done!
"I'm with Furry"
Should I keep the same color?
Stay off my porch!! Unless of course you are bringing packages, in which case, leave them here, then get off my porch.
"Yeah ..... that's it ..... thaaaaaaaat's it ..... keep gazin' at the smilin' box, you Bozo, and get closer so's I can change yer nickname to 'Lefty' ..... clooooooooooser ....."
everyone loves mail
How am I supposed to open this without opposable thumbs?
Just think how embarrassing it would be if your dog's sword was really that long!
Wow! That Anonymous guy is full of all kinds of creative suggestions! ( I understand if you'd rather not divulge your real name here, but how about a clue? Like, "shorty" or "Mr. T", or "mom"....?)
Thanks all, for the great captions!
Except for you Bob -- you're sick! :)
say "Aahhh"
I smell baaaacon!! Bacon bacon bacon!
"Follow the arrows to a great smile!"
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